Alabama Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes records of currently incarcerated inmates. The database contains approximately 25,000 records. Results may show inmate’s name, DOB, race, sex, AIS (Alabama Institutional Serial), current location, release date, and status. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Alabama criminal check order.
The Alabama Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Alabama felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Alabama is AL
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes 34 superior courts within 4 judicial districts. It also includes most current and historical felony and misdemeanor convictions, and some traffic violations. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, disposition, county case number, charge, and all names of individuals involved in the case. The court records date back to 1900. The database is updated quarterly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Alaska criminal check order.
The Alaska Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Alaska felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Alaska is AK
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes superior, municipal and justice of the peace records from the following counties: Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Navajo, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai and Yuma. Municipal court reports are collected from Maricopa and Pima County. Data includes current and historical felony, misdemeanor and traffic reports. Most non-Drug or Alcohol-related traffic offenses are restricted to enhance ease of use. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, arrest data, disposition, county case number, charge or charges and sentence. The records date back to 1987. The database is updated monthly.
Arizona Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical criminal records on inmates and probationers that are or have been under the supervision of a state correctional facility. Includes felony and gross misdemeanor convictions. Search results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county case number, county, disposition date, verdict, verdict date, fine, status type and probation time. The conviction records date back to 1939. The database is updated monthly.
Pima County Sheriff Arrest Records:
The Pima County Sheriff Arrest data includes the defendant’s name, date of birth, booking ID number, charge or charges and court. The records date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Pima County Justice Court Background Check:
The Pima County Justice Court check contains misdemeanor data from Pima County Justice court. The records date back to 1985. The database is updated monthly.
Maricopa County Superior Court Record Check: The Maricopa County Superior Record Check includes the defendant’s name, date of birth, sex, case number, and attorney’s name. Cases prior to August 2004 may also contain race, eye color, hair color, height, weight, address, court, and offense description. The records date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Pima County Superior Court Record Check: The Pima County Superior Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor dispositions from October 1994 to present. Results show: Name, date of birth, court, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition date and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Arizona criminal check order.
The Arizona Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Arizona felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Arizona is AZ
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical criminal court records from the counties in Arkansas. Includes felony, misdemeanor, and violation offenses. Results typically include the defendant’s name, date of birth, arrest data, filing date, charge(s), disposition(s), county, case number, and sentence. The database is updated monthly except for the following counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Baxter, Bradley, Calhoun, Clark, Cleveland, Columbia, Crawford, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Faulkner, Garland, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Howard, Johnson, Little River, Lafayette, Lonoke, Madison, Marion, Ouachita, Pulaski, Randolph, Saline, Searcy and Van Buren.
Arkansas Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical criminal records on inmates and probationers that are or have been under the supervision of a state correctional facility for felony convictions. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, county case number, charge or charges, disposition, disposition date, verdict and sentence. The felony records date back to 1900. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Arkansas criminal check order.
The Arkansas Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Arkansas felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Arkansas is AR
California Multi-County Instant Criminal Court Check $24.95
California Multi-County
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes records from Contra Costa Superior Court records, Fresno County Superior Court records, Indio Superior Court records, Los Angeles Superior Court records, Marin Superior Court records, Orange Superior Court records, Riverside Superior Court records, Sacramento Superior Court records, Santa Barbara Superior Court records, San Bernardino Superior Court records, San Diego Superior Court records, Santa Clara Superior Court, Santa Cruz Superior Court records, and Ventura Superior Court records. The records from Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Clara and Ventura County are name indices only. Los Angeles County has felony filings only. The majority of counties include offender’s name, date of birth, offense case number, offense statute and date of probation expiration. Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Ventura include dates of birth. San Bernardino contains year of birth only. Court records date back at least 10 years except Santa Barbara County dates back only to 2001. Santa Clara County records date back to 1999. Fresno County was last updated May 2007. Marin County update pending, last update July 2004, Riverside County update pending, last update May 2007, Santa Cruz County update pending, last update September 2004.
** The California instant criminal check order results often do not contain offense descriptions. The results usually show the county name of the court record. Once you receive your order results, if the information contained is limited, we will perform one FREE county level criminal check for you. If your results only include traffic records we will not perform the county level criminal check because traffic records are not available from the court. Please send an email to requesting us to place the FREE California county check and include your order number and the county name. If results from multiple counties exist, please specify the county you would like us to process. To order the remaining counties, see the California county court criminal check link below.
***We recommend to customers who are looking for a specific criminal result, to place a county criminal check instead of the instant statewide criminal check. This is because the county criminal check can return more detailed information. A county check, which is performed by a professional court researcher, is non-instant and usually takes between 5 to 7 days to complete. To perform a California county criminal check, see the California county criminal check link below.
Butte County Superior Court Record Check: The Butte County Superior Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor records from Butte County Superior Court, North County Municipal Court, and South County Municipal Court and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Marin County Superior Court Record Check: The Marin County Superior Record Check includes felony and some misdemeanor records from Marin County Superior Court and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type.
Riverside County Court Record Check: The Riverside County Record Check includes traffic, misdemeanor and felony records from Riverside County, and dates back to 1995. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, county, charge filing date, offense code, offense description and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Riverside/Indio County Court Record Check: The Riverside/Indio County Record Check includes traffic, misdemeanor and felony records from Riverside/Indio County (CA Superior Court), and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Sacramento Superior Court Record Check: The Sacramento Superior Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor filings and convictions. Results may contain offender name, county, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition and disposition date. Disposition dates are from 1988 to current. The database is updated monthly.
San Mateo County Court Record Check: The San Mateo County Record Check includes traffic, misdemeanor and felony reports from San Mateo County (CA Superior Court), and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, charge date, court, disposition and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with California criminal check order.
The California Criminal Background Check county court records search includes California felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for California is CA
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felony and misdemeanor records from all Colorado counties, with the exception of Denver County misdemeanors. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county case number, county, disposition date, verdict, verdict date, fine, status type and probation time. The beginning data dates for the courts vary between 1977 and 1995. Broomfield County was added in 2001. The database is updated daily.
Denver County Court Record Check: The Denver County Record Check includes misdemeanor, felony and infraction records. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county case number, county, disposition date, verdict, verdict date, fine, status type and probation time. Dates back to October 1975 and General Sessions records date back to May, 2001 up to February of 2008. Last updated February 2008.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Colorado criminal check order.
The Colorado Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Colorado felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Colorado is CO
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical county criminal records and traffic records. Results show defendant’s name, date of birth, charge or charges, sentence information, county of offense. Current updates go back to July 2nd, 1997. While the historical data dates back to 1909. The State of Connecticut is divided into thirteen Judicial Districts where the vast majority of criminal cases are filed. The most serious cases are handled in the “Part A” courts. Less serious criminal offenses and motor vehicle cases are handled in the “Part B” courts, which are also known as the G.A., for Geographical Area, courts. A Supervisory Assistant State’s Attorney oversees the criminal prosecutions in each G.A. court under the direction of the State’s Attorney. The database is updated monthly.
Connecticut Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes data for persons who are currently serving time under the supervision of the Connecticut Department of Corrections or who have escaped or absconded. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, state identification number, admission date, Bail bond amount, most serious offense, offense severity, sentence date, detainer type, minimum sentence, maximum sentence, minimum release date, Maximum release date, estimated release date and status. Corrections records date back to 1970. The database is updated monthly.
Connecticut Historical Corrections Records Check:
This historical corrections background records search includes historical criminal records on inmates and probationers who have been under the supervision of a state correctional facility and include felony and misdemeanor convictions. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county case number, county, disposition date, verdict, verdict date, fine, status type and probation time. Corrections records date back to 1982. This database is no longer updated.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Connecticut criminal check order.
The Connecticut Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Connecticut felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Connecticut is CT
Delaware Non-Instant County Criminal Background Check $24.95
We currently do not offer a statewide Criminal Background Check in Delaware.
The Delaware Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Delaware felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Delaware is DE
Florida Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records on inmates and probationers. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, social security number, FBI number, physical description, county case number, arrest date, disposition date, charge or charges, and sentence. The corrections records date back to 1939. The database is updated monthly.
Alachua County Court Record Check: The Alachua County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses. This database also includes some traffic offenses. The data includes: Name, DOB, Race, SSN (if applicable), address, offense committed, filed date, case number and sentencing information. The database is updated monthly.
Bay County Court Record Check: The Bay County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses; it also includes some traffic offenses as well. The database includes: Name, DOB, address (if applicable), case number, filed date, offense and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Brevard County Court Record Check: The Brevard County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses. This database includes: Name, DOB, offenses, statute, charge date, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Broward County Court Record Check: The Broward County Record Check includes historical felony and misdemeanor offenses; it also includes some traffic offenses as well. The database contains Name, DOB, case number, filing date, statute, adjudication date and disposition information. This database has not been updated since March of 2007.
Charlotte County Court Record Check: The Charlotte County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses; it also includes traffic offenses as well. This database contains: Name, DOB, SSN (If applicable), case number, filing date, statute, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Citrus County Circuit Court Record Check: The Citrus County Circuit Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor, and traffic offenses dating back to 1990. This database may contain: case number, first, middle and last names, date of birth, race, sex, files date, offense date, offense description, court, disposition and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Duval County Court Record Check: The Duval County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, as well as some traffic. This data contains: Name, DOB, case number, offense date, filing date, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Hernando County Court Record Check: The Hernando County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, as well as some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, statute, status, filing date, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Highlands County Court Record Check: The Highlands County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses; it also includes traffic offenses as well. This database contains: Name, DOB, address, case number, filing date, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Hillsborough County Court Record Check: The Hillsborough County Record Check includes historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, as well as some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, filing date, defendant number, and charge description. This database was last updated July of 2006.
Indian River County Court Record Check: The Indian River County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor criminal records as well as some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, filing date, level of charge and any available disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Lee County Circuit Court Record Check: The Lee County Circuit Record Check includes data from Lee County Circuit Court. The database contains Felony, Misdemeanor and traffic offenses and dates back to 1988. The database is updated monthly.
Leon County Court Record Check: The Leon County Record Check includes historical felony and misdemeanor offenses; it also contains some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, offenses level and offense description. This database was last updated April of 2004.
Marion County Court Record Check: The Marion County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, file date, charge data, charge information and disposition. The database contains convictions only. The database is updated monthly.
Miami-Dade County Court Record Check: The Miami-Dade County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic. This database includes: Name, DOB, case number, offense, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Monroe County Court Record Check: The Monroe County Record Check includes probation, felony, misdemeanor, arrest bookings, and traffic offenses. The records cover from 1996 to present. The data contains the defendant’s name, DOB, case number, offense date, filing date, case status, charge details, and case disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Okaloosa County Court Record Check: The Okaloosa County Record Check includes data from Okaloosa County Circuit Court. The database contains felony and misdemeanor records that date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Orange County Court Record Check: The Orange County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, offense data, statute, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Osceola County Court Record Check: The Osceola County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, filing date, offense, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Palm Beach County Court Record Check: The Palm Beach County Record Check includes traffic, probation, arrest booking, misdemeanor and felony records from Palm Beach County, and date back to 1990. Records may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, race, sex, court, offense description, disposition and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Palm Beach County Court Record Check: The Palm Beach County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, violation date, and disposition information. This dataset has not been updated since October 2006.
Pinellas County Court Record Check: The Pinellas County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, address (if applicable), case number, filing date, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Sarasota County Court Record Check: The Sarasota County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, filing date, statute, offense description, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Seminole County Court Record Check: The Seminole County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, including some traffic offenses. This database is from the Seminole County Florida Circuit Court, and records date back at least seven years. The database is updated monthly.
St. John County Court Record Check: The St. John County Record Check includes data from St. John Circuit Court. The database contains felony and misdemeanor offenses and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
St. John County Court Record Check: The St. John County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, as well as some traffic. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, file date, statute number, degree and disposition information. This database was last updated January 2004.
Suwannee County Court Record Check: The Suwannee County Record Check includes historical felony and misdemeanor offenses, as well as some traffic offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, offense, filing date and disposition information. This database was last updated February of 2004.
Volusia County Circuit and County Court Record Check: The Volusia County Circuit and County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses from Volusia County Circuit and Volusia County Courts and dates back to 1992. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Florida criminal check order.
The Florida Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Florida felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Florida is FL
Georgia Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony, gross misdemeanor and some misdemeanor conviction records. This database also includes parolees and probationers. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, social security number, state identification number, FBI number, physical description, county case number, verdict, verdict date, court location, probation and sentence. The corrections records date back to 1921. The database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Georgia Bureau Of Investigation Search:
This database contains most current and historical felony and misdemeanor arrest and conviction records. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, partial social security number, physical description, race, birth place, arresting agency, arrest case number, tracking number, arrest date, custody information details, supplemental custody information details, court, disposition date, case number, offense, citation number, offense level, type, disposition, provisions, suspended time, confinement time, fine amount., other court information, and some records include previous arrests with arresting agency and date. The investigation records date back to 1975. The database is updated semi-annual. The database was last updated January 2008.
Cobb County Court Record Check: The Cobb County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses from the Superior Court in Cobb County. Results include dispositions starting from late 1990 to present. Typical results include the defendant’s name, address, aliases, attorney, offense, case disposition, and sentence. The database is updated monthly.
Gwinnett County Court Record Check: The Gwinnett County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses from Gwinnett County Magistrate, State, and Superior Courts. Results include dispositions starting from late 1990 to present. Typical results include the defendant’s name, year of birth, address, attorney, offense, case disposition, and sentence. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Georgia criminal check order.
The Georgia Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Georgia felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Georgia is GA
Hawaii Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes felony and misdemeanor offenses with file dates from 1995 (and before) to present. Results are limited to the following: offender name, state identification number, correctional facility, release date, parole date, offense, statute, maximum prison term, minimum prison term. The database was last updated February 2006.
Hawaii Historical Corrections Records Check:
This historical corrections background records search includes felony and misdemeanor offenses with sentence dates from 1993 (and before) through 1999. This database is not updated. Search results are limited to the following: offender name, aliases, circuit court number, case number, offense, statute, severity level, sentence date, maximum sentence length, minimum sentence length and correctional facility. The database was last updated February 2006.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Hawaii criminal check order.
The Hawaii Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Hawaii felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Hawaii is HI
Idaho Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records of discharged inmates. Results show the defendant’s name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, arrest date, county case number, county, charge and sentence. The corrections records date back to 1990. This database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Idaho criminal check order.
The Idaho Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Idaho felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Idaho is ID
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felony and misdemeanor cases. It currently includes the following counties: Adams, Bond, Boone, Carroll, Christian, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Dewitt, Edgar, Edwards, Effingham, Fayette, Ford, Franklin, Grundy, Hamilton, Henry, Iroquois, Jackson, Jefferson, Jo Daviess, Johnson, Lawrence, Lee, Logan, Macoupin, Marion, Mason, Mercer, Montgomery, Morgan, Moultrie, Ogle, Piatt, Pike, Pope, Richland, Rock Island, Shelby, Stephenson, Tazewell, Union, Vermillion, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White, Whiteside, Williamson, and Woodford. Reports reported contain: Name, Date of Birth, Case Number, Disposition, Filing Date, and Conviction Date. The database is updated periodically last update 02/25/11.
Illinois Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records only. Reports reported show defendant’s name, date of birth, physical description, court remittimus number, charge or charges, counts, sentence, verdict date, current location and status. The corrections records date back to 1952. The database is updated quarterly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Cook County Court Record Check: The Cook County Record Check includes felony conviction records from Cook County Circuit Courts. Results show defendant’s name, date of birth, filing date, charge or charges, judgment date, judgment, and sentence information. Court records date back to 1994. The database is updated monthly.
McLean County Court Record Check: The McLean County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor records from McLean County Circuit Court. Results reported show defendant’s name, date of birth, filing date, charge or charges, judgment date, judgment, and sentence information. Court records date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Illinois criminal check order.
The Illinois Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Illinois felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Illinois is IL
Indiana Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records only. Search results show defendant’s name, date of birth, physical description, court case number, charge or charges, counts, sentence length, projected release date, current location and status. The corrections records date back to 1977. The database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Indiana Administrator of Courts Check: This dataset contains felony and misdemeanor records from the Indiana Administrator of Courts and dates back to 1990. Records may contain first name, middle name/initial, date of birth, address, charge date,offense date, offense code, offense description, disposition and disposition date. The Indiana AOC includes reports for the following counties: Blackford, Dekalb, Floyd, Hamilton, Harrison, Huntington, Monroe, Owen, Parke, Rush, Tipton, Warren, and Washington. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Indiana criminal check order.
The Indiana Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Indiana felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Indiana is IN
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felony and misdemeanor cases collected from all counties maintained by the Iowa Court Information System. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, alias, case ID, initiation date, charge number, charge description and disposition. The records date back to 1992 with some earlier. The database is updated monthly.
Iowa Criminal Background Check Courts Misdemeanor Data:
This dataset contains misdemeanor only cases collected from all counties maintained by the Iowa Court Information System. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, alias, case ID, initiation date, charge number, charge description and disposition. The records date back to 1992. The database is updated monthly.
Iowa Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical criminal reports on parolees and probationers that are or have been under the supervision of a state and community correctional facility. Includes current and historical felony, gross misdemeanor and some misdemeanor convictions. Does not include persons incarcerated. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, sex, race, county case number, jurisdiction, verdict date, crime code and offense. (If the probationer is currently under supervision, the record will not show penalty type, the majority of the community correction records are name indices, a county court search or offline statewide search is suggested). These records date back at least seven years. The database is updated quarterly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Iowa criminal check order.
The Iowa Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Iowa felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Iowa is IA
Kansas Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction records. Results include the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, county of supervision, offense description, offender status and date of release if offender is released. The corrections reports date back to 1949. The database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Johnson County District Court Record Check: The Johnson County District Record Check includes criminal reports from Johnson District Court. The database contains Misdemeanors and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Kansas criminal check order.
The Kansas Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Kansas felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Kansas is KS
Kentucky Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records only. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, county, offense description, and offense statute, time served, parole information and institution information. The corrections date back to 1947. The database was last updated June 2007.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Kentucky criminal check order.
The Kentucky Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Kentucky felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Kentucky is KY
Louisiana Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes but is limited to individuals under the custody of the Louisiana Department of Corrections, who have been considered for parole. Search results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, offense description, parole information and institution information. The data is from November 2004 to present. The database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
St. Tammany Parish Court Court Record Check: The St. Tammany Parish Court Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor data from the St. Tammany Parish Court. The database may contain name, birth date, gender, race, address, driver’s license, case number, court date, offense information, disposition information and sentence information. The disposition dates are from 1976. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Louisiana criminal check order.
The Louisiana Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Louisiana felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Louisiana is LA
Maine Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction records. Search results include information submitted to the courts from each county. Records reported show the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, physical description, county, case number, charge or charges, verdict date and status. The corrections records date back to 1992. Update is pending, last update February 2006.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Maine criminal check order.
The Maine Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Maine felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Maine is ME
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felony and misdemeanor reports from the Maryland Administrator of Courts District Courts. The database typically includes name, birth date, gender, race, height, weight, address, case number, case filing date, offense information, disposition information and sentence information. The disposition dates are from 1998. The database is updated monthly.
Maryland Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes convicted offenders currently residing in a state correctional institution or under the supervision of the Maryland Department Of Corrections. Results show inmate number, defendant name, date of birth, committing correctional facility, correctional facility address, and correctional facility phone number. These records do not have offense descriptions. The database is updated monthly.
*These records DO NOT have offense descriptions. Specific offense information is only available by requesting a Maryland County Criminal Check.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Maryland criminal check order.
The Maryland Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Maryland felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Maryland is MD
Massachusetts Non-Instant County Criminal Background Check $24.95
We currently do not offer a statewide Criminal Background Check in Massachusetts.
The Massachusetts Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Massachusetts felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Massachusetts is MA
Michigan Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction reports on inmates and parolees only. Results show defendant name, alias names, date of birth, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, verdict date and status. The corrections records date back to 1951. The database is updated monthly.
Michigan Department of Corrections Background Check:
This data includes felony conviction reports for individuals who were under the supervision of the Michigan Department of Corrections. Results typically include the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, physical description, photo, county, county case number, offense description, offense date, sentence date, disposition date and disposition. The dispositions date back to before 1960. This dataset was last updated in October 2006.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Michigan 13th Circuit Court Background Check: The Michigan 13th Circuit Court Record Check includes criminal felony records from Michigan’s Thirteenth Circuit Court, which include the counties of Antrim, Leelanau and Grand Traverse. Records date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Macomb County Court Record Check: The Macomb County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor criminal reports from Macomb Circuit Court, and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Oakland County Court Record Check: The Oakland County Record Check includes felony records from Oakland Circuit Court, and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Saginaw County Court Record Check: The Saginaw County Record Check includes felony criminal records from Saginaw Circuit Court, and dates back to 1981. The database is updated monthly.
Wayne County Court Record Check: The Wayne County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor court reports. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, filing date, case number, arresting agency, defendant number, offense, disposition date, sentence date, sentence location and probation time. The court records date back to 1988. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Michigan criminal check order.
The Michigan Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Michigan felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Michigan is MI
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical felony, gross misdemeanor and some Class A and B misdemeanor court conviction reports, custody arrest reports, and prison prints (Persons convicted and sentenced to prison or probation and/or transferred from another state). Results show defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical descriptions, county, county case number, charge or charges, disposition, sentence and sentence date. Does not include release dates from prison or parole. The convictions date back to 1965. The database is updated monthly.
Minnesota Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes felony conviction records only. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, county, offense description, and offense statute, time served, parole information and institution information. The corrections date back to 1980. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Minnesota criminal check order.
The Minnesota Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Minnesota felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Minnesota is MN
Mississippi Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records only. Results show defendant name, alias names, date of birth, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, verdict date and status. The corrections date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Harrison County Court Record Check: The Harrison County Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor and traffic related offenses. Results may include first, middle and last names, offense descriptions and court. The court records date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Hinds County Court Record Check: The Hinds County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor court reports. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, sex, race, case number, charge, arrest warrant, arrest date, indictment date, repeat offender, judge, original case number, agency, district attorney, defense attorney, sentence date, disposition date, disposition, confinement time, suspended time, facility, probation time and conditions. The court reports date back to 1982. The database is updated monthly.
Hinds County Justice Court Record Check: The Hinds County Justice Record Check includes misdemeanor and traffic data from the Hinds County Mississippi Justice Court. The database may contain name, birth date, gender, race, address, driver’s license, case number, court date, offense information, disposition information and sentence information. The disposition dates are from 1982. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Mississippi criminal check order.
The Mississippi Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Mississippi felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Mississippi is MS
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felony and misdemeanor offenses. Disposition dates are from 1999 with some older. The database returns: Offender name, date of birth, address, arrest information, case number, court, offense, offense code, offense description, disposition, sentence date, and sentencing information. This database is updated monthly.
Missouri Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor information for inmates, probationers and parolees. Only the latest incident is reported; therefore, history is limited to the offender’s latest offense registered with Missouri’s corrections department. Results show offender name, date of birth, court cause number, charge or charges, date, county of offense, location, county of sentence, length of sentence, parole date and length of parole. The corrections records date back to 1935. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Missouri criminal check order.
The Missouri Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Missouri felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Missouri is MO
Montana Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show defendant name, alias names, date of birth, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, verdict date and status. The corrections records date back to 1990. The database is updated Monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Montana criminal check order.
The Montana Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Montana felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Montana is MT
Nebraska Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show the defendant name, race, sex, aliases, inmate information, offenses with a description, degree, county, and term. The corrections date back to 1952. This database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Nebraska criminal check order.
The Nebraska Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Nebraska felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Nebraska is NE
Nevada Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes felony criminal records for all current inmates, as well as anyone released within the last 18 months. The Nevada Attorney General’s office has only allowed public the approximate age. There is no date of birth on the records. Records show: offender name, age, physical description, sex, race, offense, custody information and sentence information. This dataset is not being updated at this time.
Nevada Corrections Background Check:
This corrections data includes criminal records for individuals who are currently under or recently have been under the supervision of the Nevada Department of Corrections. This database includes: offender name, aliases, date of birth, physical description, sex, race, current and prior offense and custody and sentence information. This dataset is not being updated at this time.
Clark County Court Record Check: The Clark County Record Check includes misdemeanor and traffic records which date back to 1990. The data includes criminal records from Boulder City, Bunkerville, Goodsprings, Henderson, Laughlin, Mesquite, Moapa, Moapa Valley, North Las Vegas and Searchlight Justice Courts. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Nevada criminal check order.
The Nevada Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Nevada felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Nevada is NV
New Hampshire Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes the New Hampshire Department of Corrections inmate roster of offenders currently residing in a state correctional institution. Results show inmate name, booking date, offense, current parole date, and maximum release date. These records do not have date of birth. Inmate roster dates back to 07/01/2004 only. The database is updated monthly.
*These records DO NOT have a date of birth. Specific record information is only available by requesting a New Hampshire county level search.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with New Hampshire criminal check order.
The New Hampshire Criminal Background Check county court records search includes New Hampshire felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for New Hampshire is NH
New Jersey
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor court reports from all counties. The court reports are indictable offenses pursuant to New Jersey law. Search results show defendant’s name, date of birth, indictment charge or charges, filing date, judgment date, and judgment. Records date back to 1984. The database is updated quarterly.
New Jersey Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction records only. Results show offender name, date of birth, charge or charges category, sentence date, county of offense, location, length of sentence, admission date and departure date (if applicable). The corrections records date back to 1966. The database is updated bi-annually.
New Jersey Corrections Background Check:
This corrections database includes the defendant’s name, DOB, alias names, sex, race, offense description, offense date, county of commitment, and release date. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with New Jersey criminal check order.
The New Jersey Criminal Background Check county court records search includes New Jersey felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for New Jersey is NJ
New Mexico Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor conviction reports on inmates. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, state identification number, race, sex, county case number, offense date, offense county, offense description, Offense level, latest FBI number, previous or other FBI number, disposition date, disposition and sentence. The corrections reports date back to 1985. The database is updated monthly.
New Mexico Administrator Of the Courts Background Check:
This database contains felony and misdemeanor offenses from the New Mexico Administrator of Courts Magistrate Courts and District Courts. The database typically includes offender name, date of birth, court, case number, filing date, offense information, and disposition information. Disposition dates are from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Bernalillo County Court Record Check: The Bernalillo County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports. Results include: defendants full name, date of birth, address, offense dates, and offense descriptions. Records date back from 1991. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with New Mexico criminal check order.
The New Mexico Criminal Background Check county court records search includes New Mexico felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for New Mexico is NM
New York Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction reports only. Results show offender name, date of birth, charge or charges, sentence information, county of offense, location, admission date and release date (if applicable). The corrections reports date back to 1962. The database is updated quarterly.
**Special Note: If no time was spent in a state correctional facility, no record will be found from this criminal search, even if the result was a felony conviction. This criminal background record search contains correctional data only!
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with New York criminal check order.
The New York Criminal Background Check county court records search includes New York felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for New York is NY
North Carolina Instant Criminal Court Check $24.95
North Carolina
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor court reports from all counties. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, filing date, charge or charges, case number, county, judgment date, and judgment. The court reports date back to 1979. The database is updated weekly.
North Carolina Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical descriptions, county case number, county, charge, disposition, sentence and sentence date. The corrections reports date back to 1919. The database is updated monthly.
North Carolina Administrator of Courts Data:
The North Carolina Administrator of Courts Data includes demographic data from the North Carolina Administrator of Courts. The background check may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, last four of Social Security Number, street address, county and case number. The database is updated weekly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with North Carolina criminal check order.
The North Carolina Criminal Background Check county court records search includes North Carolina felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for North Carolina is NC
North Dakota
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felony and misdemeanor records. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, case type, charge, arrest date, offense date, disposition, case number and filing date. Last update was on August 2003.
North Dakota Administrator of Courts Check: This dataset contains criminal traffic and civil cases from the North Dakota District Courts and some limited municipal courts. Reports may include defendant’s name, birth date, sex, race, address, offense description, offense statute, offense level, offense date, case number, case filing date, plea, status, disposition, sentence, and parties. The North Dakota AOC includes dispositions from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with North Dakota criminal check order.
The North Dakota Criminal Background Check county court records search includes North Dakota felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for North Dakota is ND
Ohio Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, county, charge or charges, time served and photos of selected offenders. The corrections reports date back to 1947. The database is updated monthly.
**If the person you are screening did not serve time in a state correctional facility, no criminal records will be found.
Ashtabula County Court Record Check: The Ashtabula County Record Check includes felonies and misdemeanors cases. Cases date back to 1989. Results may contain: name, address, race, height, weight, eye color, case number, case status, and disposition. Three separate datasets are used for this county (Eastern Ashtabula, Western and the Common Plea’s Courts). The database is updated monthly.
Auglaize County Court Record Check: The Auglaize County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor filings and convictions. Results show: offender name, date of birth, county, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Butler County Fairfield Municipal Court Record Check: The Butler County Fairfield Municipal Record Check includes misdemeanor criminal data from the Butler County Ohio Fairfield Municipal Court. The database typically includes offender name, date of birth, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition and disposition date. Disposition dates are from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Butler County Middletown Municipal Court Record Check: The Butler County Middletown Municipal Record Check includes misdemeanor criminal data from the Butler County Ohio Middletown Municipal Court. The database typically includes offender name, date of birth, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition and disposition date. Disposition dates are from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Champaign County Court Record Check: The Champaign County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor records. Case dates are from 1990. Results show: Defendants full name, case number, date of birth, drivers license information, and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Columbiana County Common Pleas Court Record Check: The Columbiana County Common Pleas Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor cases from the Columbiana County Ohio Common Pleas Court. The database includes name, date of birth, address, case number, offense description, case status and disposition. Case dates are from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Berea Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Berea Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor and traffic reports from Ohio Cuyahoga County Berea Courts and dates back to 1995. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, date of birth, address, charge date,offense date, offensecode, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Cleveland Heights Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Cleveland Heights Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor filings and convictions. Results may contain offender name, date of birth, county, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition and disposition date. Disposition dates are from 1990 to current. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County East Cleveland Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County East Cleveland Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor filings and convictions. Reports may contain offender name, date of birth, county, case number, offense, offense degree, disposition and disposition date. Disposition dates are from 1993 to current. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Euclid Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Euclid Record Check includes probation, felony, misdemeanor and traffic offenses from Cuyahoga County Euclid Court. These reports date back to 1994. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Garfield Heights Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Garfield Heights Record Check includes traffic, probation, misdemeanor and felony reports from Ohio Cuyahoga County Garfield Heights Court. These reports date back to 1991. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Lakewood Municipal Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Lakewood Municipal Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor, and traffic convictions from Cuyahoga County Lakewood Municipal Court and dates back to 1974. Results may contain: first, middle and last names, charges filed, offense date, offense description, disposition and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Parma Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Parma Record Check includes traffic, probation, misdemeanor and felony reports from Ohio Cuyahoga County Parma Court. These reports date back to 1990. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Rocky River Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Rocky River Record Check includes traffic, probation, misdemeanor and felony reports from Ohio Cuyahoga County Rocky River Court. These reports date back to 1990. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Cuyahoga County Shaker Heights Municipal Court Record Check: The Cuyahoga County Shaker Heights Municipal Record Check includes traffic, probation, misdemeanor and felony reports from Ohio Cuyahoga County Shaker Heights Municipal Court, and dates back to 1998. Reports may contain first name,, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Erie County Court Record Check: The Erie County Record Check includes criminal reports from Vermilion Municipal Court. The database contains Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Franklin County Court Record Check: The Franklin County Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor, and traffic reports from Franklin County Court and dates back to 1990 to present. It may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, hair color, eye color, height, weight, race, sex, charges filed date, offense date, plea, sentence, probation, disposition, and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Franklin County Hilliard Court Record Check: The Franklin County Hilliard Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor and traffic reports from Franklin County Hilliard Court and dates back to 1988 to present. It may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, hair color, eye color, height, weight, race, sex, charges filed date, offense date, plea, sentence, probation, disposition, and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Franklin County Municipal Court Record Check: The Franklin County Municipal Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor, and traffic records from Franklin County Municipal Court and dates back to 1990 to present. It may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, hair color, eye color, height, weight, race, sex, charges filed date, offense date, plea, sentence, probation, disposition, and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Fulton County Court Record Check: The Fulton County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports. Case dates are from 1990 to present. Results show: Case number, disposition, disposition date, degree of offense(s), counts (if applicable), Name and case status. This database includes reports from the Western Court, Eastern Court and Common Pleas Court. The Common Plea’s court does not contain Felonies. The database is updated monthly.
Greene County Court Record Check: The Greene County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses. Case dates are from September 2005 to present. Dismissed and other non-convicted charges are included. Results show: offender name, date of birth, case number, file date, charge code, charge description, degree of offense, disposition date and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Hamilton County Court Record Check: The Hamilton County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports from the Hamilton County Ohio Court. The database typically includes name, birth date, case number, offense description, case status, and case disposition. Disposition dates are from 1990 to February 2007. This database is not updated.
Hardin County Court Record Check: The Hardin County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports. Case dates are from 1969 to present. Results show: Defendants full name, case number, date of birth and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Lake County Court Record Check: The Lake County Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor, traffic and probationer reports from Lake County Court and dates back to 1990. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Licking County Court Record Check: The Licking County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports from the Licking County Common Pleas Court. The reports cover 01/01/1990 to present. Reports typically contain the defendant’s name, DOB, case number, filing date, case status, charge details, case disposition, and sentence info. The database is updated monthly.
Lorain County Avon Lake Municipal Court Record Check: The Lorain County Avon Lake Municipal Record Check includes criminal reports from Avon Lake Municipal Court. The database contains Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Lorain County Common Pleas Court Record Check: The Lorain County Common Pleas Record Check includes felony reports from Lorain County Common Pleas Court and dates back to 1990. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Lorain County Elyria Municipal Court Record Check: The Lorain County Elyria Municipal Record Check includes misdemeanor reports from Lorain County Elyria Municipal Court and dates back to 1990. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Lorain County Lorain Municipal Court Record Check: The Lorain County Lorain Municipal Record Check includes criminal reports from Lorain Municipal Court. The database contains Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Lorain County Oberlin Municipal Court Record Check: The Lorain County Oberlin Municipal Record Check includes criminal reports from Oberlin Municipal Court. The database contains Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Lucas County Maumee Municipal Court Record Check: The Lucas County Maumee Municipal Record Check includes misdemeanor reports from Lucas county Maumee Municipal Court and dates back to 1990. Reports may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Medina County Court Record Check: The Medina County Record Check includes felony only criminal reports and search warrant offenses. Court reports date back to 1992. Results show: defendant full name, address, case number, charge code, charge, sentence and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Record Check: The Montgomery County Common Pleas Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses. Case dates are from 1997 to present. Search results shows: Defendants full name, Case Number, Date of Birth, and Disposition information. The data was last updated April 2007.
Montgomery County Dayton Municipal Court Record Check: The Montgomery County Dayton Municipal Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor cases from the Montgomery County Ohio Dayton Municipal Court. The database includes name, birth date, gender, race, address, case number, offense description, case status, and case disposition. Case dates are from 1992. The database is updated monthly.
Montgomery County Kettering Municipal Court Record Check: The Montgomery County Kettering Municipal Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor cases from the Montgomery County Ohio Kettering Municipal Court. The database typically includes name, birth date, address, case number, filing date, offense description, case status, and case disposition. Filing dates are from 1991. The database is updated monthly.
Montgomery County Vandalia Municipal Court Record Check: The Montgomery County Vandalia Municipal Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor cases from the Montgomery County Ohio Vandalia Municipal Court. The database typically includes name, birth date, address, case number, filing date, offense description, case status, and case disposition. Filing dates are from 1992. The database is updated monthly.
Portage County Court Record Check: The Portage County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports. Case dates are from 1990 to present. Results show: Name, Date of birth, disposition, case number, arrest date, offense date, and case status. This data includes reports from Revenna Courts, Kent Courts and Common Plea’s Court. The Common Plea’s court does not contain Felonies. The database is updated monthly.
Putnam County Court Record Check: The Putnam County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses. Case dates are from 1995 to present. Dismissed, undetermined, and other non-convicted charges are included. Results show: Offender name, date of birth, case number, file date, charge code, charge description, degree of offense, disposition date and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Sandusky County Court Record Check: The Sandusky County Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor and infraction offense filings. Filed dates are from 1998 (with some older). Results returned show: Offender name, court name, county, case number, offense description, filed date. The database is updated monthly.
Sandusky County Traffic Court Record Check: The Sandusky County Traffic Record Check includes traffic offense reports from the Sandusky County Ohio. The database typically includes name, birth date, case number, filing date, and offense description. Filing dates span the last seven years and the database is updated monthly.
Stark County Common Pleas Court Record Check: The Stark County Common Pleas Record Check includes probation, felony and misdemeanor offenses. The database may contain full name, date of birth, case number, filing date, and offense description. This database dates back to 1985 to current and is updated monthly.
Summit County Common Pleas Court Record Check: The Summit County Common Pleas Record Check includes misdemeanor and felony reports from Ohio Summit County Common Pleas Court. Reports date back to 1980. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition. The database is updated monthly.
Summit County Cuyahoga Falls Municipal Court Record Check: The Summit County Cuyahoga Falls Municipal Record Check includes misdemeanor and felony reports from Ohio Summit County Cuyahoga Falls Municipal Court. These reports date back to 1992. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, address, charge date, offense date, offense code, offense description, count, plea and disposition.
Tuscarawas County Court Record Check: The Tuscarawas County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor offenses. Case dates are from 1986 to present. Dismissed and other non-convicted charges are included. Results show: Name, date of birth, disposition date, disposition, offense description, offense degree, number of counts, offense disposition, description and date. The data was last updated October 2006.
Warren County Mason Municipal Court Record Check: The Warren County Mason Municipal Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor cases from the Warren County Ohio Mason Municipal Court. The database includes name, birth date, address, case number, filing date, offense description, case status, case disposition and sentence information. Filing dates are from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Warren County Municipal Court Record Check: The Warren County Municipal Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor cases from the Warren County Ohio Warren Municipal Court. The database includes name, birth date, address, case number, filing date, offense description, case status, case disposition and sentence information. Filing dates are from 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Ohio criminal check order.
The Ohio Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Ohio felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Ohio is OH
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor court reports from 45 out of the 77 counties. Reports include dismissed and deferred cases. Counties listed: Atoka, Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, Bryan, Caddo, Carter, Cherokee, Cotton, Craig, Creek (Sapulpa),Creek (Bristow, Creek (Drumright, Custer, Delaware, Garvin, Grant, Haskell, Hughes, Jefferson, Kay (Blackwell, Kay (Newkirk, Kay (Ponca City), Kingfisher, Latimer, Leflore, Lincoln, McClain, McCurtain, Major, Marshall, Mayes, Murray, Muskogee, Noble, Nowata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee (Henrietta),Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee**, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Seminole (Wewoka, Sequoyah, Stephens, Texas, Wagoner, Washington, Washita and Woods. Results show: name, date of birth, file date case type, case category, case number, case year, county, citation number, fees, offense, persons involved, disposition, event dates and description. Reports date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
**Pawnee Data only includes data from 2000-2008 at this time.
*Oklahoma City has chosen to eliminate bulk data availability. To receive up-to-date data from this you must order a county level check.
This Oklahoma criminal court data also contains criminal reports from the following counties: Tulsa, Rogers, Rogermills, Pushmataha, Payne, Oklahoma, Logan Garfield, Ellis Comanche, Cleveland, Canadian, and Adair. The database contains Felony and Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Oklahoma Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, sex, hair color, eye color, scars, marks, tattoos, aliases, county, offenses, time serving, sentencing information and photos of selected offenders. The corrections reports date back to 1972. The database is updated monthly.
Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center Identification: This criminal check consists of felony sentencing data covering all 77 counties from 1999 through the first quarter of 2004. Records show: name, date of birth, sex, race, sentence date, case number, CRF number, county, offense, statute and sentence. Pending update, last updated July 2004.
Tulsa County Court Record Check: The Tulsa County Record Check includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor offenses. This database contains: Name, DOB, case number, offense date, statute, and disposition information. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Oklahoma criminal check order.
The Oklahoma Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Oklahoma felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Oklahoma is OK
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes court reports of felony and misdemeanor dispositions. Requests are searched individually for current information from the Oregon Judicial Information Network System. Every request is conducted statewide. Results show the offense charged, offense date, offense level, disposition date, defendant full name, and date of birth, social security number and sentence information. The database is updated monthly.
Oregon Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county case number, county, charge or charges, sentence and disposition. The corrections reports date back to 1954. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Oregon criminal check order.
The Oregon Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Oregon felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Oregon is OR
Pennsylvania Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes convicted offenders currently residing in a state correctional institution or under the supervision of the Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections. Results show inmate number, defendant name, date of birth, description, committing county, and current location. *These records DO NOT have offense descriptions. Specific offense information is only available by requesting a Pennsylvania County Court Criminal Check from the committing county.
Pennsylvania Common Pleas Courts Reports: These reports include felony and misdemeanor filings only from the Common Pleas Courts. This database contains the following information: Name, DOB, Docket Number, Race, Statutes, Offense, Offense date, Disposition and Disposition date. The court reports date back to 2000. This database is updated monthly.
Pennsylvania Magisterial Courts Reports: These reports include felony and misdemeanor filings only from the Magisterial District Court System including traffic records. Results excluded from the city of Philadelphia. Results show the defendant name, DOB (only dating back to 2000), address, county, offense description, offense date. The court reports date back to 1985. This database is updated monthly.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Municipal Courts Data: These reports include felony and misdemeanor filings only from the Philadelphia Municipal Court System including traffic records. Results show the name, DOB, gender, race, offense date, offense description, offense statue, case number, filing, date, disposition, and disposition date. The court reports date back to May 2007. This database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Pennsylvania criminal check order.
The Pennsylvania Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Pennsylvania felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Pennsylvania is PA
Rhode Island
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes Superior and District Court reports of statewide felony and misdemeanor disposed cases. Results show the defendant name, date of birth, possible aliases, RI Identification number, address, case number, court, case class type, case date, charge, charge date, charge city, disposition date, disposition, Party description, party name, street address and agencies involved. The court reports date back to 1984. The database was last updated December 2005.
Rhode Island Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes individuals who are under the supervision of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections. Reports typically include individual’s name, age, and sex. The database is updated monthly.
Additional Free Background Records included with this Instant Court Criminal Report:
Rhode Island Administrator of the Courts Reports. These reports includes felony and misdemeanor data. Results include: Name, date of birth, charge, filing date, disposition, case number and disposition date. The reports date back to 1990 and the database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Rhode Island criminal check order.
The Rhode Island Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Rhode Island felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Rhode Island is RI
South Carolina Instant Criminal Court Check $24.95
South Carolina Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor information for inmates, probationers and parolees. Only the latest incident is reported; therefore, history is limited to the offender’s latest offense registered with South Carolina’s corrections department. The South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services is charged with the community supervision of offenders placed on probation by the court and paroled by the State Board of Paroles and Pardons, as well as those on Youthful Offender Release from the South Carolina Department of Corrections. Results contain offenders who are currently under supervision. Data range 1969-current, Felony and Misdemeanor offenses. Results show date of birth, race, and gender. The database is updated monthly
South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services:
The South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services is charged with the community supervision of offenders placed on probation by the court and paroled by the State Board of Paroles and Pardons, as well as those on Youthful Offender Release from the South Carolina Department of Corrections. This dataset contains offenders who are currently under supervision. Data range 1969-current, Felony and misdemeanor offenses. The database is updated monthly.
Abbeville County Circuit Court Record Check: The Abbeville County Circuit Record Check includes criminal reports from Abbeville County Circuit Court. Results contain Felony and Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Abbeville County Summary Court Record Check: The Abbeville County Summary Record Check includes criminal reports from Abbeville County Summary Court. Results contain Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The Summary courts included in this data are Abbeville Magistrate and Bond Court. The database is updated monthly.
Aiken County Circuit Court Record Check: The Aiken County Circuit Record Check includes criminal reports from Aiken County Circuit Court. Results contain Felony and Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Aiken County Summary Court Record Check: The Aiken County Summary Record Check includes criminal reports from Aiken County Bond Court, Aiken Summary Court, Central Traffic Court, Graniteville Summary Court, Jackson-Beech Island Summary Court, Midland Valley Summary Court, Monetta Summary Court, New Ellenton Summary Court, North Augusta Summary Court, and Wagener-Salley Summary Court. Results contain Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Beaufort County Circuit and Summary Court Record Check: The Beaufort County Circuit and Summary Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor and traffic offenses dating back to 1990. Results may contain: case number, first, middle and last names, date of birth, race, sex, file date, offense description, sentence, court, disposition and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Charleston County Circuit Court Data Court Record Check: The Charleston County Circuit Court Data Record Check includes criminal reports from Charleston County Circuit Court. Results contain Felony and Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Dillon County Circuit Court Data and Dockets Data Court Record Check: The Dillon County Circuit Court Data and Dockets Data Record Check includes probation, felony and misdemeanor reports dating back to 1990. Results may contain first and last name as well as date of birth, offense description, disposition and sentencing information. The database is updated monthly.
Dorchester County Circuit and Summary Court Data Court Record Check: The Dorchester County Circuit and Summary Court Data Record Check includes parolee, probation, felony, misdemeanor and traffic related offenses. Results may contain first, middle and last names, date of birth, race, sex, offense descriptions, sentence data, disposition, disposition date, and case type. Results date back to 1990. The database is updated monthly
Greenville County Court Record Check: The Greenville County Record Check includes traffic, probation, misdemeanor and felony criminal checks from Greenville County. The database is updated monthly.
Greenville County Circuit Court Record Check: The Greenville County Circuit Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports from Greenwood County Circuit Court, and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Greenville County Summary Dockets Data Court Record Check: The Greenville County Summary Dockets Data Record Check includes misdemeanor reports from Greenville County Summary Dockets, and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Hampton County Circuit Court Data Court Record Check: The Hampton County Circuit Court Data Record Check includes criminal reports from Hampton County Circuit Court. Results may contain Felony and Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Hampton County Summary Dockets Data Court Record Check: The Hampton County Summary Dockets Data Record Check includes misdemeanor reports from Hampton County Summary Dockets, and dates back to 1990. Results include criminal reports from Estill Magistrate Court, Varnville Magistrate Court. The database is updated monthly.
Horry County Circuit Court Record Check: The Horry County Circuit Record Check includes criminal reports from Horry County Circuit Court. Results contain felony and misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Lexington County Circuit Court Record Check: The Lexington County Circuit Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports from Lexington County Circuit Court and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Richland County Circuit and Summary Dockets Data Court Record Check: The Richland County Circuit and Summary Dockets Data Record Check includes traffic, probation, misdemeanor and felony reports from Richland County Circuit Court and Summary Dockets and dates back to 1990. Criminal Background Checks may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, race, gender, charge, charge offense, disposition, disposition date and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Spartanburg County Circuit Court Record Check: The Spartanburg County Circuit Record Check includes criminal reports from Spartanburg County Circuit Court. Results contain felony and misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
York County Court Record Check: The York County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor reports from 1990 to present. Results contain the defendant’s name, DOB, case number, filing date, case status, charge details, case disposition, and sentence info. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with South Carolina criminal check order.
The South Carolina Criminal Background Check county court records search includes South Carolina felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for South Carolina is SC
South Dakota Non-Instant Criminal Court Check $24.95
South Dakota Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes criminal convictions for persons whom have committed offenses and were sentenced to a state detention facility. Results show the offense charged, offense date, offense level, disposition date, defendant full name, date of birth, and sentence information. Information returned will also include if the individual is currently under supervision.
**This is a non-instant state criminal background check. Results are returned within 2 to 14 business days.
The South Dakota Criminal Background Check county court records search includes South Dakota felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for South Dakota is SD
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes historical felony conviction court checks. Results show the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, sentence and disposition. The felony conviction reports date back to 1995 through June 2010. The Tennessee AOC stopped providing current conviction files on 6/1/2010. The database is no longer updated.
Tennessee Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony conviction reports. Results show defendant name, date of birth, physical descriptions, county, charge or charges and sentence. The corrections reports date back to 1952. The database is updated quarterly.
Tennessee Meth Offender Background Check:
Contains criminal reports from the Tennessee Meth Offender Registry and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Davidson County Court Record Check: The Davidson County Record Check includes criminal checks from Davidson County Court. Results contain Misdemeanor and traffic reports and dates back to 1997. The database is updated monthly.
Hamilton County Court Record Check: The Hamilton County Record Check includes criminal reports from Hamilton County Court. Results contain Felony, Misdemeanor and traffic reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Rutherford County Court Record Check: The Rutherford County Record Check includes criminal checks from Rutherford Circuit and General Sessions Courts. Results contain Felony and Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1990. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Tennessee criminal check order.
The Tennessee Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Tennessee felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Tennessee is TN
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor conviction reports. Results show the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, sentence and disposition. This database is also augmented with the following county information: Bexar, Cameron (felony reports only), Chambers, Collin, El Paso, Dallas, Denton, Fort Bend, Gregg, Harris, Jefferson, Travis, Midland, Montgomery (misdemeanor reports only), Victoria, Waller and Potter counties. The augmented county conviction checks date back to 1995. Pending updates for Chambers and Travis counties. Travis County last update April 2005. Chambers County last update November 2005.
Texas Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes felony and misdemeanor information from the Texas Department of Corrections. Results typically includes defendant’s name, birth date, state identification number, charge, sentence and disposition. Some data dates back to 1980. The database is updated monthly.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice Background Check:
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice Report contains current and historical felony and misdemeanor information for inmates and parolees with the offender’s criminal history to the last five offenses registered with Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Results reported show state identification number, TDCJ number, offender’s name, race, gender, date of birth, height, weight, hair color, eye color, unit of assignment, receive date, minimum expiration date. Each offense result may contain: Offense description, date, county, case number, sentence date, and sentence length. Records date back to 1980. The database is updated monthly.
Texas Parole and Probation Background Check:
The Texas Parole and Probation Report contains current and historical felony and misdemeanor information for probationer and parolees within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Results may contain state identification number, TDCJ number, offender’s name, race, gender, date of birth, height, weight, hair color, eye color, unit of assignment, receive date, minimum expiration date. Each offense result may contain: Offense description, date, county, case number, sentence date, and sentence length. Records date back to 1978. The database is updated monthly.
Bell County Court Record Check: The Bell County Record Check includes criminal reports from Bell County. Results contain misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1982. The database is updated monthly.
Bexar County District Court Record Check: The Bexar County District Record Check includes criminal reports from Bexar County (San Antonio) District Court. Results contain felony and major misdemeanor reports and dates back to mid-1970s. The database is updated monthly.
Burnet County Court Record Check: The Burnet County Record Check includes felony and misdemeanor checks dating back to 1989. These reports may contain first and last name as well as date of birth, offense, case number, disposition and sentencing information. The database is updated monthly.
Galveston County Court Record Check: The Galveston County Record Check includes criminal checks from Galveston, Texas County Court. The file contains Misdemeanor reports and dates back to 1977. The database is updated monthly.
Orange County Court Record Check: The Orange County Record Check includes criminal checks from Orange, Texas County Court. Results contain disposed misdemeanor reports that date back to 1974. The database is updated monthly.
Rockwall County Court Record Check: The Rockwall County Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor and traffic reports dating back to 1990. These reports may contain: case number, first middle and last name, date of birth, alias, file date, offense description, sentence date, disposition and disposition date. The database is updated monthly.
Smith County Court Record Check: The Smith County Record Check includes criminal checks from Smith County TX District, County Court, and the County Courts at Law. The database contains felony and misdemeanor reports. Data range approx. 1977 – current. The database is updated monthly.
Travis County Court Record Check: The Travis County Record Check includes criminal checks from Travis County Texas District. Results contain felony and misdemeanor reports, case number, offense date, sentencing information and disposition. Data range approx. 1987 – current. The database is updated monthly.
Williamson County Court Record Check: The Williamson County Record Check includes felony, misdemeanor, and traffic reports from Williamson County Courts and dates back to 1990. Results may contain first name, middle name/initial, last name, date of birth, offense code, offense description, charge, and case type. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Texas criminal check order.
The Texas Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Texas felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Texas is TX
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes state-level current and historical felony and misdemeanor adjudicated guilty court reports from all district courts. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, gender, case number, case type, offense, severity, filing date, judgment code, judgment and court location. Reports date back to 1995. The database is updated monthly.
Utah Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor conviction reports. Results reported show the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, sentence and disposition. The corrections reports date back to 1961. The database was last updated 10/07/2008 (Update is Pending).
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Utah criminal check order.
The Utah Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Utah felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Utah is UT
Vermont Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes individuals who are, or recently have been, incarcerated under the Auspices Of The Vermont Department Of Corrections (DOC). Results show defendant name, date of birth, committing correctional facility, correctional facility address, and correctional facility phone number. The database is updated monthly.
**These records often do not contain offense descriptions. Specific offense information is only available by requesting a Vermont county level search.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Vermont criminal check order.
The Vermont Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Vermont felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Vermont is VT
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical criminal court reports and parolee reports, and felony and misdemeanor convictions. Most non-Drug or Alcohol-related traffic offenses are restricted to enhance ease of use. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, gender, case type, charge, arrest date, offense date, disposition, case number and filing date. Results have date of birth information for cases adjudicated after January 1, 2000, some with file dates as far back as 1981. The court reports date back to 1981. Please note that most reports do not have a date of birth. The database is updated weekly.
Additional Free Background Records included with this Instant Court Criminal Report:
Virginia Circuit Courts Check:
The Virginia Circuit Courts Check includes both open and disposed criminal cases with file and disposition dates from early 2009 to present. Typical reports include the defendant’s name, month and date of birth, gender, race, alias name(s), address, court, arrest date, case number, charge details, disposition details and sentence details. Current Virginia Circuit Courts included are: Accomack, Albemarle, Alleghany, Amelia, Amherst, Appomattox, Arlington, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Bristol, Brunswick, Buchanan, Buckingham, Buena Vista, Campbell, Caroline, Carroll, Charles City, Charlotte, Chesapeake, Clarke, Colonial Heights, Craig, Culpeper, Cumberland, Danville, Dickenson, Dinwiddie, Essex, Fauquier, Floyd, Fluvanna, Franklin, Frederick, Fredericksburg, Giles, Gloucester, Goochland, Grayson, Greensville, Halifax, Hampton, Hanover, Henry, Highland, Hopewell, Isle Of Wight, King George, King William, Lancaster, Lee, Loudoun, Louisa, Lunenburg, Lynchburg, Madison, Martinsville, Mathews, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, Montgomery, Nelson, New Kent, Newport News, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottoway, Orange, Page, Patrick, Petersburg, Pittsylvania, Portsmouth, Powhatan Prince Edward, Prince George, Prince William, Pulaski, Radford, Rappahannock, Richmond City, Richmond, Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Russell, Salem, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Southampton, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Staunton, Suffolk Surry, Sussex, Tazewell, Virginia Beach, Warren, Washington, Waynesboro, Westmoreland, Williamsburg James City, Winchester, Wise, Wythe, York County Poquoson. The database is updated periodically.
Fairfax County Court Record Check: The Fairfax County Record Check includes current and historical criminal court reports of felony, misdemeanor and infraction convictions. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, gender, case number, offense date, offense, amended offense with offense level, offense class, disposition, disposition date, confinement location, confinement time, suspended time, fine amount, suspended fine amount, community service time. The court records date back to 1979. The database is not updated. The county information has been reduced to name indice.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Virginia criminal check order.
The Virginia Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Virginia felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Virginia is VA
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor reports from all superior courts in Washington. Results show the defendant’s name, date of birth, race, gender, case type, charge, arrest date, offense date, disposition, case number and filing date. Pursuant to legal requirements, the Washington data only dates back to the last five years. The database is updated quarterly.
Washington Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes current and historical felony and misdemeanor convictions. Results show the defendant name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical description, county, county case number, charge or charges, sentence and disposition date. The corrections records date back to 1908. The database is no longer updated, last update January 2007.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Washington criminal check order.
The Washington Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Washington felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Washington is WA
Washington DC Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes criminal records for inmates and probationers convicted of felony charges that are or have been under the supervision of a state correctional facility between January 1999 and March 2002 only. This database contains inmates currently in the custody who have been sentenced and/or found guilty of the crime listed. This database contains inmates that were in the custody and were released from custody since January 1, 1999 after being found guilty for the charge listed and serving their sentence. This database contains all inmates who corrections show as on active parole status. The results returned are: corrections number, name, date of birth, sex, race, charge code, case number, description of charge, minimum sentence for the charge listed, date inmate was sentenced, date inmate was released and date inmate was sentenced to parole status. This database is not updated due to the statutes and governing laws of public information in the District of Columbia.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Washington DC criminal check order.
The Washington DC Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Washington DC felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Washington DC is DC
West Virginia Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes individuals who have spent time with the Department of Corrections, containing misdemeanor and felony offenses. Results also contains Name, DOB, photos, height, etc. The West Virginia Department of Corrections (DOC) criminal check is a growing list of individuals that are or have been under the supervision of the DOC. The results also include individuals incarcerated awaiting trial (not convicted). The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with West Virginia criminal check order.
The West Virginia Criminal Background Check county court records search includes West Virginia felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for West Virginia is WV
Criminal Background Courts Report:
This criminal court background reports search includes felonies, misdemeanors, and criminal traffic case information from the Wisconsin Administrator of Courts. Reports typically includes defendant’s name, birth date, sex, race, address, offense description, offense statute, offense level, offense date, case number, case filing date, plea, status, disposition, sentence, and parties. Results include dispositions from 1992 with some earlier. The database is updated monthly.
Wisconsin Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes information of convicted offenders who were sentenced to incarceration, supervision, or both with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC). It does not provide all possible offender information on all possible offenders. For example, it does not provide information on offenders sentenced to county jail, nor does it provide information on adjudicated (juvenile) offenders or those of interest to the Department of Justice. The database is updated monthly.
Includes National Sex Offender Search & Most Wanted Check.
Free with Wisconsin criminal check order.
The Wisconsin Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Wisconsin felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Wisconsin is WI
Wyoming Corrections Record Background Check:
This corrections records search includes criminal convictions for persons whom have committed offenses and where sentenced to a state detention facility. Results show the offense charged, offense date, offense level, disposition date, defendant full name, date of birth, and sentence information. Information returned will also include if the individual is currently under supervision.
**This is a non-instant state criminal background check. Results are returned within 2 to 14 business days.
The Wyoming Criminal Background Check county court records search includes Wyoming felony conviction records and misdemeanor convictions. The state abbreviation for Wyoming is WY
National Sex Offender Record Search: With each order, we include a FREE national 50 state sex offender search of: Alabama (AL), Alaska (AK), Arkansas (AR), Arizona (AZ), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Connecticut (CT), Delaware (DE), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Guam (GU), Hawaii (HI), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Kentucky (KY), Louisiana (LA), Maine (ME), Maryland (MD), Massachusetts (MA), Michigan (MI), Minnesota (MN), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MO), Montana (MT), Nebraska (NE), Nevada (NV), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), New Mexico (NM), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), North Dakota (ND), Ohio (OH), Oklahoma (OK), Oregon (OR), Pennsylvania (PA), Puerto Rico (PR), Rhode Island (RI), South Carolina (SC), South Dakota (SD), Tennessee (TN), Texas (TX), Utah (UT), Vermont (VT), Virgin Islands (VI), Virginia (VA), Washington (WA), Washington DC, West Virginia (WV), Wisconsin (WI), Wyoming (WY).
The National Sex Offender Record Search also includes Indian Tribes Sex Offender Record Search.
The Indian Tribes Sex Offenders Data contains the sex offender records from the following Indian tribes: Ak-Chin Indian Community, Bois Forte Band of Chippewa, Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Fort Belknap Indian Community, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Fort Peck Tribes, Gila River Indian Community, Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, Kaw Nation, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas, Miami Nation of Oklahoma, Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Nooksack Indian Tribe, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Oneida Indian Nation, Osage Nation, Pascua Yaqui Indian Tribe, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, Pueblo of Isleta, Pyramid Lake Paiute, Tribe of Nevada, Red Lake Nation, Rosebud Sioux Tribe, The Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Santa Clara Pueblo, Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate, Spirit Lake Nation, Summit Lake Paiute Tribe, Tohono odham Nation, Tonto Apache Tribe, Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, White Mountain Apache Tribe, Wyandotte Nation, Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribal Police Department. There are some Indian tribe sex offender registries that do not contain offenders.
Most Wanted Report Search Description:
Comprised of several state agencies most wanted such as: Top Ten FBI Most Wanted, FBI Most Wanted Fugitives, US Marshals Most Wanted, US Marshals Major Cases, Alabama Department of Public Safety, Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Kansas Most Wanted, AFT Most Wanted, US DEA Wanted Fugitives, DTIC Fugitive Top List, US Secret Service Most Wanted, Americas Most Wanted, Connecticut Department of Public Safety and Texas Most Wanted. This database is updated monthly.