New Technorati profile page for Instant Criminal Background Checks criminal background checks has launched a profile account on Technorati requires a new account profile to verify the author of the blog listed on the profile. The unique code provided to is 3ACN6P8QQ2F3. This verification is done by the account user posting a unique code provided by Technorati on the blog. On the Technorati profile will be the latest blog posting from the Background Checks Blog (, which features news and information about the employment screening industry.

Criminal Background Checks Page on Technorati
Technorati is a search engine for searching blog and indexes more than 1 million blogs. It also offers original content written by Technorati members. According to comScore Technorati and its associated web properties are viewed by over 40 million unique visitors, receiving more traffic than Twitter and Yelp. According to its website Technorati is the largest social media advertising network and the 11th largest media entity overall. Founded in 2002, Technorati is headquartered in San Francisco. is an online provider of criminal background checks for employment screening. Background checks are conducted online electronically, giving you the search results only seconds after you place your order. The website offers instant background checks and has operated for the employment screening industry for almost a decade. Performing a comprehensive criminal background check on job applicants can help your company in many ways including monetary and legal costs. Services include Instant Statewide Criminal Background Checks, an Instant National Criminal Background Check, County Criminal Background Checks, a Federal Background Check and an SSN Verification Address History Trace.
You can find the Technorati Instant Criminal Background Checks profile page at
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